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Parmesh119's github profile

reactjs Application

News App

Pro-18's github profile

This is a basic clone of Inshort that makes use of the Api key.


komalioruganti's github profile

A bot that generates text and images for the given prompts.

Google Keeper Clone

Deepanshu0703's github profile

This is a clone of google keeper app. It is a note taking app where you can add, delete and edit notes.

Spotify Clone

vishnu-mouli-102408's github profile

Spotify-Clone is a web application that mimics the functionality of the popular music streaming platform, Spotify. Users can create an account, search for music by artist, album or track, create playlists, and listen to music.

Discord Clone

Monishka8303's github profile

This project is a clone of the original website of Discord, which is fully responsive.


Darkrider0007's github profile

Threads Clone, a web application where users can create their accounts, post their thoughts, read other users' threads, and interact with them.

Water Quality Prediction

Harshu467's github profile

This project is based on the prediction of water quality using machine learning algorithms.


tedante's github profile

Google Spreadsheet API Helper is a Node.js package that provides a helper for simplifies the process of accessing, retrieving and updating data from Gsheet using the Gsheet API.


Harshu467's github profile

Responsive Gym Website.